Build the Career of your Choice 



Don't settle for uninspiring or second best!

Craft the career that suits you best and land the job that gets you started.

Check out my free guide - 5 most common mistakes we make when applying for jobs


Frustrated -your applications are vanishing into a black hole?

You know what you want but can't get there because your job applications never get you an interview which makes you feel:

Frustrated and demoralised

Like you're a failure

Like it's never going to happen

You've taken advice but nothing changes

In a game you can't win

Stuck - not happy in your current job and need to pivot but to what and how? 

You've started a job or a career but aren't enjoying it and don't know what to do or how to get out which makes you feel: 

Lost - who can help you now

Unsure what career to change to

Fearful of making a wrong decision

Unable to see how to transfer your skills in a new direction


Confused New Graduate  

Not sure how to build a career that's right for you? 

School done, degree done, what now? You've got this far, suddenly it's down to you and you feel:


Left behind - all your friends are getting on

Unable to decide what to do

Your degree gives you limited career choices

Checkout my free guide to applying for jobs

Here's how you can work with me  

3 Step Career Transformation Coaching Program 

1-1 coaching with email and Whats App support. 

Aimed at Graduates and professionals who are feeling frustrated and uninspired with their job?  If you are trying to change career or even start your graduate career and getting nowhere fast, this three step program will show you how.  It gives you clarity about what roles and careers you will be best suited to your skills and accomplishments and the tools to promote yourself so that you land your dream job.   

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Single Issue Coaching 

Short 1-1 Coaching intervention for when you need personalised help with a specific hurdle you need help to overcome, such as:  

  • Interview coaching
  • Why you are not getting interviews from your job applications
  • Figuring out what roles and careers you are most likely to enjoy and be successful in. 

These sessions can be used to 'top up' an online course.  

Because they are just 2 sessions, they will only work when you are tackling a single hurdle (issue) you are facing. 

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Online Course : Create a Standout Job Application that gets you an Interview 

Are you tired of applying for jobs and never making it to the next stage?  Don’t waste any more time struggling to get off the starting blocks.  Instead, empower yourself with the knowledge of how the recruitment system works and learn how to play the game effectively.

You will learn how  to navigate the online screening process and impress the human, to secure that interview. Additionally, it will guide you on how to showcase your experiences and achievements in a compelling CV, setting yourself up for success in interviews. 

The course is online, granting you 12 months of access.  

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Life's too short to apply for job after job and get nowhere fast

Getting stuck in the job hunting process is just no fun.

It knocks your confidence, it's tedious and you're losing potential money in lost earnings while you try to figure it out alone.  And no matter what you do, you're still stuck!


Getting stuck is not your fault!
Who helps you play the recruitment game so you stand a chance of winning?

Who even cares?

I care! Which is why I have helped so many like you fathom it out to land their dream job! 

I've learnt how it works and want to share it with you!

I have worked as a leader in higher education, in corporate businesses and in small businesses developing and recruiting graduates and professionals just like you. 

You deserve to be helped and employers are desperate to find great talent like you.

My job is to help you find each other. My programs give you direction and clarity. 

I can show you how to jump the recruitment hurdles and stack the odds in your favour!

You can do this. There is no need to struggle. Don't give up, you are at the right place and I'm here to help you.

Show me how to get started

 Hi, I'm Cath Walsh

I care about helping you build the career thats perfect for you. One that helps you succeed, that realises your full potential, that offers challenge and progression and where you are doing something that matters to you. 

Watch my video and find out more about why I do what I do.

Learn More About Me

Getting started  with me

Step 1 -Discover

What products and services I offer 

Book a FREE Discovery Call for advice before you choose. 

Try out my freebies  

Send me a message

Step 2 - Select

Select what product suits you best:

  • Online courses 
  • 1-1 Coaching 
  • Bit of both
Show me my options

Step 3 - Start

Get started and build the career of your choice! 

Learn to take control of your own career because no one else will! 

Tell me how you are getting on
FREE Guide: 5 Things Not To Do When Applying For Jobs


Standout + Get Noticed

5 Things Not To Do When Applying For Jobs

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My Hero's

The job market is tougher than ever and there is no such thing as a 'job for life' any more. I am proud to work with many motivated people who have succeeded in achieving their goals by working with me and become my hero's... 

Here are some stories, case studies and testimonials...



Emily's first degree was in nursing but after 5 years in the profession, in several different roles, she knew that nursing was not for her! It was affecting her mental & physical health - she needed to change!

Yet, she felt stuck because she had no idea what career would suit her or how she could pivot her experiences and qualifications in a very different direction. She was also fearful of making the same mistake again!

After exploring different avenues, talking to people through networking facilitated by Cath, going down a few blind alleys (all useful learnings), listening to her gut feelings, as well as applying logic, she gained a deeper understanding of her needs and what she wanted from her career.

Eventually she was able to define her career goal to become a chartered accountant and secured a place training in a prestigious accountancy firm. 

Knowing what her goal was we we able to develop a skills-led resume to illustrated the breadth and transferability of her experiences to specific roles in specific firms. 

Her resume enjoyed a 100% success rate, it always got her to an interview but she tripped up on video interviews (which required learning a new set of skills). More learning!

After much practice, she was able to navigate the many hoops and hurdles to land her a new role as a trainee Chartered Accountant with one of the top 5 Global Accountancy Firms.

What a hero! 


"Cath will make sure that your CV ends up at the top of your prospective employer’s pile"

Matt Britton

Cath was instrumental in my transition from a student to a working professional. In a number of sessions, we discovered more about my individual abilities and strengths. It was a pleasure to have worked with Cath and her guidance which I still reflect upon. 

Isobel Matthews

❝ Cath gave me great advice and support when I was starting my career in the legal industry. Cath helped me formulate my CV and provided me with invaluable interview tips. Just one week after meeting with Cath, I was able to put her advice and tips into practice and secure my training contract! ❞ 

Daniel Pugh

❝ Cath has a real eye for finding strengths in CVs (no matter how sparse) and making them shine through. She will make sure that your CV ends up at the top of the pile. Cath played a huge part in my securing of a training contract in the ever-increasingly competitive legal industry. 

Read More Testimonials


1:1 Discovery Session

Let's get to know one another and see how we can work together to kick start your career dreams.

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Create A Standout Job Application + Get Noticed!

By learning my unique Careers Storytelling Method, you’ll learn how to value your skills and experiences, turn them into compelling stories that excite employers, create achievement statements that grab the attention of employers and create powerful job applications that land you interviews

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5 Things Not To Do When Applying For Jobs

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